Apple (and Clones)
Apple was a great contributor of PCs during the '80s and '90s using
Motorola and Apple/IBM/Motorola (AIM) CPUs.
It helped that I was able to acquire exhibits when my wife retired her
old m68k and PowerPC Mac OS desktops.
During a brief period in the '90s, Apple even experimented with
licensing motherboard designs to PowerMac clone manufacturers.
This made them a good source of inexpensive computers that could run
Unfortunately the clone era was also a time when hardware quality was at
a low point and both my genuine Apple PowerMacs suffered motherboard
failures due to, as I believe, mechanical failures between the CPU cards
and moving parts of the plastic chassis.
My Apple and clone exhibits include:
- Quadra 700 — still running a very old Debian release
- Quadra 800 — still running the rare Apple Unix, A/UX
- PowerMac 7300/200 — retired due to motherboard failure
- PowerMac 8600/200 — a neat chassis but also retired due to motherboard failure
- PowerWave 604/132 — a clone
- StarMax 4000/200 MT — a clone, but organized with the other Motorola entries
- Mac Mini G4 — running Debian 8
- PowerBook G4 — running Mac OS X (technically Unix) but kept around for a couple games we still occasionally play